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Auckland (924)
- Auckland (169)
- Albert-Eden (80)
- Henderson-Massey (70)
- Howick (67)
- Ōtara-Papatoetoe (59)
- Papakura (56)
- Ōrākei (55)
- Kaipātiki (50)
- Manurewa (47)
- Maungakiekie-Tāmaki (39)
- Māngere-Ōtāhuhu (39)
- Whau (34)
- Franklin (34)
- Upper Harbour (33)
- Devonport-Takapuna (26)
- Waitākere Ranges (21)
- Puketāpapa (15)
- Hibiscus Coast (15)
- Rodney (10)
- Hibiscus and Bays (3)
Gisborne (8)
Marlborough (11)
Nelson (50)
Wakefield (2)